Utah HOSPAC: Utah’s Hospital Political Action Committee
A political action committee (PAC) is a voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated association. Its purpose is to support candidates for elected office who understand and are concerned about the PAC participants’ issues. This support is gathered through voluntary contributions received from individuals and eligible organizations.
Utah HOSPAC is the political action committee of the Utah Hospital Association. Utah HOSPAC works to achieve greater political power and a stronger advocacy role for Utah’s hospitals and healthcare systems. Utah HOSPAC is an independent organization with state-wide support. It is not affiliated with any political part of other political action organization.
Why do Utah hospitals need a Political Action Committee?
As a growing number of healthcare issues move to the forefront of legislative debate, Utah’s hospitals and health systems need a stronger voice. The practical reality is that political candidates seeking election must have financial support, and Utah HOSPAC allows Utah’s hospitals and health systems to contribute to the candidates who share their positions on the issues that matter most.
Whether the debate involves Medicaid funding, health reform, medical malpractice or the attributes or challenges associated with managed care, Utah HOSPAC provides a way for Utah’s hospitals to be heard.
How can I make a difference?
You can contribute as a personal member if you are a hospital executive, medical staff member, trustee, administrative employee or volunteer for a not-for-profit, government or investor-owned hospital. If your hospital is investor-owned, it can contribute directly to Utah HOSPAC as an institutional member. Law prohibits not-for-profit hospitals and government hospitals from institutional contributions to Utah HOSPAC, but their employees may contribute.
Do I have to make a minimum contribution to join Utah HOSPAC?
Utah HOSPAC’s success depends on uniting individual voices into one large voice on healthcare issues. Any contribution helps make a difference and is gratefully accepted. Online payments via credit card have a minimum donation of $10.00. Donations via check may be sent to Utah HOSPAC c/o UHA, 2180 S. 1300 East, Suite 440, Salt Lake City, UT 84106.
Who decides where my money will go?
The Utah HOSPAC Committee, which is comprised of hospital administrators and government relations representatives of UHA-member hospitals and health systems, governs Utah HOSPAC activities. It coordinates fundraising and distributes funds to support candidates on a non-partisan basis. Before contributing to any campaign, the Utah HOSPAC Committee carefully evaluates each candidate’s qualifications, past performance and electability along with recommendations from the local hospital community.
Do all contributions go to state candidates?
Although Utah HOSPAC’s primary purpose is to support state candidates, its solicitations also help raise contributions for the political action committee of the American Hospital Association (AHAPAC). AHAPAC provides financial support to candidates for federal office and is regulated by the Federal Election Commission.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
No. Contributions to political action committees are not deductible on federal or state returns.
How can Utah HOSPAC help my organization?
Through Utah HOSPAC, many individual voices unite to become one large voice on legislative issues of concern to Utah’s hospitals and the patients they serve. Other advocacy groups have their own political action committees and use them effectively to influence legislative outcomes. Utah’s hospitals and health systems must not be left behind.
How can I contribute?
Contributions directly to Utah HOSPAC can be made by clicking on the arrow below.
Other things to know
State law requires political action committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual contributor who donates at least $50 to Utah HOSPAC in a calendar year. Federal law requires the reporting of the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of all contributors in excess of $200.